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Compass Kids

Our purpose is to make every child “wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:14-15)

At Compass Kids, we acquaint your child with God’s Word for the purpose of making every child “wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:14-15). We do this by partnering with you to disciple your children. We disciple your child with teaching age-appropriate lessons during the weekend services and midweek program as well as providing take-home resources for you to solidify the truth of God’s Word for your children. At Compass Kids, your child will be taught by a trained member of our Serve Team. Each person on our Compass Kids Serve Team goes through a national background check along with ongoing training. We make sure your child is safe, having fun, and is trained “in the way he should go [so that] when he is old he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

We teach your child God’s Word at church as well as partner with you to reinforce God’s truth in the home. For this reason, at Compass Bible Church, both you and your child are taught the same Bible passages. Your child will have age-appropriate teaching paired with a worksheet to take home so that you can reinforce the truths from the same scripture. For the Infants to 2 year-olds, our team lovingly care for your child; making sure they are fed, safe, and have fun.
  • SERVICE TIMES: 9am & 11am
  • AGES: Infant – 5th Grade
  • LOCATION: Compass Bible Church – 2415 Lifehaus Industrial Drive, New Braunfels
Howdy there, partner! You ready for a grand ol’ time THIS summer, discovering the wonder of Jesus? If so, grab yer stirrups and lasso and hightail it out west to Wonder Junction where kids will marvel at Jesus and learn that we live for his glory. Summer VBS at Compass will take place on June 17-20th and will go from 9am-12pm each day. Kids from Kindergarten-5th grade are invited to sign up for just $15/child. REGISTRATION OPENS APRIL 6, 2025!  
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