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We have a genuine reliance on prayer


Join us for our monthly Prayer Meetings and follow along with the prayers each month.


Our prayer meetings take place on Sunday evenings from 5-6:30pm. Everyone is encouraged to attend for a time of corporate prayer as we pray for our church, our people and our community. Childcare is not available, but we have the Compass Room set aside for families with young children to participate in the meeting.

  • January 28
  • February 25
  • March 24
  • April 28
  • May 26
  • June 23
  • July 21 – Ice Cream Social
  • August 25
  • September 29
  • October 27
  • November 24


1) Pray God would guide the leaders of our country (Federal, State, & Local) to promote justice, punish wickedness, and leave God’s church to fulfill our God-given mission.
2) Pray for each member at Compass Guatemala to focus on personal faithfulness, evangelism toward unbelievers and discipling the Christians in their church to maturity in Christ.
3) Praise God for bringing hundreds of children to our VBS and Art Camp! Pray God uses these two Kid’s Camps and the upcoming Science Camp to point the children and their families to Christ.
4) Praise God for the 80+ students between Compass Hill Country and Compass North Texas who are registered for Revival! Pray God uses Pastor Evan and Pastor Rod to proclaim the Gospel, that the unsaved students will respond with saving faith, and the saved students will grow in Christlike maturity.
5) Praise God for 100+ baptisms in our church’s short history. Pray God uses the upcoming testimonies at our July & August baptisms to reach the lost and encourage His church.
6) Pray for wisdom and unity for Pastor Hayden and Pastor Evan as they lead and equip God’s flock here at Compass.
7) Pray for our upcoming churchwide outreach and Back to School Bash to bring many new families to our church to hear the gospel and find community.
8) Pray that God will deliver our church family from temptations to sin and deliver us from the schemes of the devil.
9) Praise God for His continued provision for our Next Steps Project! Pray we will receive permits soon and for a speedy building schedule for our new ministry space.

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