A message from the series "Fruitful, Faithful and Forgiven." Staying connected to Jesus is the only way to experience the meaningful, fruitful, and joy-filled year you hope for in 2025.
A message from the series "Abounding in Hopeful Work." Put the hope of the future resurrection in the forefront of your mind so you can envelop your life with fruitful Kingdom work.
A message from the series "From Eden to Bethlehem: The Seed of Hope." Place your confidence in Christ who took on flesh to crush our enemy and secure our eternal destiny.
A message from the series "From Eden to Bethlehem: The Seed of Hope." The unwavering trustworthiness of God's promise to bring a victorious "Royal Seed," proclaimed during the Exodus and protected throughout Israel's Exile, should cause you to humbly trust in Jesus to grant you entry into His Eternal Kingdom.
A message from the series "Encountering Opposition: A Gospel Promise." We must reject the efficacy of any religious experience that is not founded on the spiritual transformation that comes from a proper response to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
A message from the series "Encountering Opposition: A Gospel Promise." We must caution those who constantly need more evedence of Jesus' Identity, knowing that Jesus identity, knowing that Jesus has shown sufficient evidence for those who genuinely desire to know him.