A message from the series "Dear Church: Our Mission." Prioritize the hard labor of discipleship so that you can faithfully entrust others to carry on the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations and to the generations to come.
A message from the series "Dear Church: Our Mission." The effective teaching ministry of the church relies on pastors who cleave to the word of God as the indispensable tool for sound teaching and faithful
A message from the series "Dear Church: Our Mission." Our call to reach the world for Christ is accomplished by imploring the nations to turn from idols and worship the living God, who will judge the earth in justice and righteousness through Christ
A message from the series "Sermon on the Mount." The outcome of your life, both temporally and eternally, is directly determined by whether or not you obey Jesus’ words.
A message from the series "Sermon on the Mount." Spirit-empowered obedience to God, not mere professions nor fervent religious activity, has always been the mark of an authentic relationship with
A message from the series "Sermon on the Mount." Knowing false teachers exist today should put every believer on high alert to inspect the teaching and lifestyles of those who claim to speak on God’s behalf.