“Everlasting Father” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "He Is." Recognizing Jesus’ role as the Everlasting Father requires a careful inspection of God’s covenant promises to King David & Father Abraham so that we
have confidence knowing both promises find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ.
“Mighty God” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "He Is." Recognizing the power of Jesus through his miraculous acts should remove any doubt of his true purpose on earth to provide forgiveness of sins for everyone who places their trust in Him.
“Christ Has Come” from Candice Jacobsen
A message from the series "Women\'s Christmas Coffee 2022."
“Wonderful Counselor” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "He Is." Trusting in Christ as God's promised solution to your most significant issue is an indispensable part of successfully addressing the mountain of other problems you face.
“Finding Hope” from Pastor Evan Jacobsen
A message from the series "Finding Hope." Live unwaveringly for Christ in your present circumstance, remembering God is working your life toward His wondrously good end.
“Persevering Temperance” from Pastor Evan Jacobsen
A message from the series "Men\'s Breakfasts."
“Evil & God’s Sovereignty” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "The King Has Come." Grasping God’s sovereign purpose in preserving Jesus’s life amid open opposition is pivotal for anyone who desires to follow God amid the world’s increasing resistance to the Christian faith.
“True Worship Part 2” from Pastor Evan Jacobsen
A message from the series "The King Has Come." The unfolding of God’s redemptive plan through Christ needs to motivate us toward proper worship Him.
“Harvest Time” from Pastor PJ Berner
A message from the series "Harvest Time."