A message from the series "Trials & Triumphs." The power of Jesus revealed through His miraculous acts ought to be sufficient proof for us to fully trust the authority of His message.
A message from the series "Trials & Triumphs." Jesus came to conquer the depths of human depravity to give light & life to everyone who turns from their sin & trusts in Him for salvation.
A message from the series "Trials & Triumphs." Correctly defining the earthly mission of Jesus is crucial for us to comprehend His assignment to conquer Satan and the power of sin in our lives.
A message from the series "Preparing for Jesus." Jesus unashamedly associating himself with our sinfulness ought to motivate us to boldly associate with Jesus and His mission to see the lost saved.
A message from the series "Preparing for Jesus." The work of the Holy Spirit that Jesus inaugurates not only frees you from the coming wrath of God but also empowers you to bear the necessary fruit that flows from genuine repentance.
A message from the series "Preparing for Jesus." Much like John the Baptist in his day, our mission is to proclaim the
coming of Jesus, calling everyone to a biblical response to the gospel.
A message from the series "Reaching, Teaching & Training." Every Christian exists to reach people for Christ, teach people to be like Christ & train people to serve Christ.
A message from the series "New Year's Resolution ." 2023 should be the year we trade in our short-lived resolutions and train ourselves for godliness that guarantees benefits for now and eternity.