A message from the series "People & Promises." Seeing God fulfill his promises through the lives of real people should give you unwavering confidence in God’s plan for you and the whole world.
A message from the series "Book of Matthew." Understanding the Gospel of Matthew allows you to see how God fulfilled all of his OT promises through the life, death, resurrection, and future reign of Jesus Christ, who has come to save you from the penalty of your sins and initiate the arrival of the Kingdom of God.
A message from the series "Jonah: Summer at Sea." You must drastically increase your concern for the lost if you want to reflect the genuine compassion of God.
A message from the series "Jonah: Summer at Sea." Our prayers should encapsulate such an awareness of God’s sovereignty that by the end of our prayers, we are wholly comforted by the overwhelming presence of God in whatever circumstance.
A message from the series "Jonah: Summer at Sea." An awareness of God’s power and authority should lead everyone to absolute surrender to the sovereignty of God.
A message from the series "The Profit of Preaching." Preaching is an indispensable tool for any Christian who has a genuine desire to grow in their faith.