“Wisdom from Above” from Candice Jacobsen
A message from the series "Authentic Faith."
“True Worship Part 1” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "The King Has Come." True worship can only begin after you step off the throne and recognize the one who truly belongs there.
“The News” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "The King Has Come." Unexpected events are often God’s providential way of revealing his plan and require us to seek counsel from his word so we can walk faithfully amidst uncertainty.
“The Truthfulness of God’s Faithfulness” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "People & Promises." The Bible’s predictive prophecy about historical events should bolster your confidence in the veracity of scripture, enable you to look to God’s word as the final
arbiter of truth, and embolden you to walk in faith.
“Exiled from God” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "People & Promises." Israel’s royal genealogy reminds us of our need to rely on God’s promises, leading us to properly worship him as we await our final vindication.
“The Rise & Fall of a Nation” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "People & Promises." Our deficiencies ought to be the catalyst that directs us to trust in Christ’s sufficiency as the promised king of Kings.
“Faith in His Promises” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "People & Promises." Your life in Christ is the outworking of God’s deliverance amidst your failures, which should move you to respond to God with ultimate faith in his plan.
“Placed into Christ: The Effects of Your New Life” from Pastor Hayden Thomas
A message from the series "Placed into Christ: The Effects of Your New Life." Anyone who is placed into Christ can no longer live under the bondage of sin but submits to the authority of the Holy Spirit, who is abundantly at work in your new life.
“Loving God Wholeheartedly” from Pastor Evan Jacobsen
A message from the series "Men\'s Breakfasts."